Sunday, March 1, 2015

Successful Branding

Sometimes the success of a business stems from how you decide to brand your product and company.  Branding is "the way in which an organization uses a name, phrase, design, symbol, or combination of these to identify its products and distinguish them from those of competitors" (Marketing, 278).  The way in which a company brands itself can have either a negative or positive effect and once a brand is established it is usually extremely difficult to un-brand or re-brand itself.  We will take a closer look at some companies who have good and bad reputations with their brands, and some possible causes for their success or failure.

Kleenex is probably one of the most successful companies at branding its product.  When you think about it, a lot of people have become accustomed to saying, "May I have a Kleenex?" over, "May I have a tissue?"  This is because Kleenex has a firm establishment in the tissue industry, "partly because tissues were trademarked 'Kleenex' in 1924" (Kleenex).  When a company such as this one has a clear purpose and goal, it is not as hard for them to establish brand recognition or a name for themselves.  

There are also endless examples of companies that crash and burn because of the brand they are attempting to establish for themselves.  When a name is established that sends a message that is anything less than positive, it will most likely ruin the reputation of the company.  The picture below is of the product of a soda pop company who's name seems to be unconventional.  This product would be a failure for obvious reasons.  Nobody wants to drink any liquid out of a bottle that says "pee" on it.  This is a perfect example of a company failing due to branding.

Some companies have more success than others when it comes to branding.  Organizations such as Apple, and Rolex have developed more than just recognition but have also established brand equity.  This is " the added value a brand-name gives to a product to be on the functional benefits provided" (Marketing).  When products are bought as status symbols they have gained a certain equity.  For example, fashion brands such as Louis Vuitton, Versace, and Gucci are all bought due to their high quality, but especially because they act as a status of wealth.

Despite some common misconceptions branding is not so much about the brand itself but more about how that brand pops out at, sticks with, and resonates with consumers.  Its all about the impression left with potential consumers and how those impressions are going to influence potential customer behavior.  The following video talks about what exactly branding is and how we use all forms of communication in order support it.

Branding is a method of marketing and when executed successfully can establish a business that is in a new league so to speak.  Presentation applies to all of the 4 p's of Marketing.  Branding can have a huge impact on the success of a company.  How a company presents itself to the public has a major effect on how consumers behave in relation to the business.

Please stay tuned for my next blog post which will discuss how the radio has influenced marketing in the past and today.


"The Kleenex Brand Story" (Kleenex)

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